What is a “nice guy”?
Nice Guys struggle with setting and protecting boundaries
Nice Guys are not honest with others or themselves
Nice Guys don’t know how to get their needs met
Nice Guys believe their needs don’t matter
Nice Guys operate on the core belief that they are not worthy of welcome as they are
Meeting Details
Meetings are on Saturday mornings (Beginning Feb 22nd for 7 weeks)
Meetings are 8:30 – 10:00 AM at 417 Welshwood Dr., Suite 300, Nashville, TN
This workshop is limited to 12 men
Cost is $180 per man (The fee includes a copy of the book and materials). Some scholarships are available.
Topics by Week
Week 1: Introductions, describing the Nice Guy Syndrome, some exercises to increase group safety. Understanding the NG Syndrome and how we became NGs. You will receive a copy of the book at the first meeting.
Week 2: Learning to please yourself and to make your needs a priority.
Week 3: Reclaiming your personal power and masculinity.
Week 4: Getting the love you want and navigating intimate relationships.
Week 5: Embracing your sexuality and loving your body.
Week 6: Strategies for becoming an INTEGRATED MALE.
Participants of this Workshop can Expect To
Develop a network of supportive brothers
Learn how a member’s Nice Guy wound impacts his life and relationships
Integrate strategies that help a Nice Guy establish healthy boundaries at home, at work, and in society
Replace negative core beliefs with confidence in his own worthiness
Practice techniques for confidently getting needs met
Learn to live a more authentic life, both inwardly and outwardly