Non-therapy Services
Brothers of Odysseus offers workshops and retreats focused on various specific topics to help men find and restore the honorable man within himself. Below you can find information about workshops and retreats and how to sign up. There is also information about past retreats. The hope is that you will see information you are interested in and reach out to stimulate a rescheduling.
Workshops & Retreats
No More Mr. Nice Guy Workshop
A workshop for men trying to recover from their “Nice Guy Syndrome” Saturdays, 8 am – 10 am, August 3rd – September 7th.
Gender Reconciliation Retreat
Up to 15 women and 15 men will explore how to reconcile the divine feminine and sacred masculine, both within themselves and within relationship
Men's Group Leadership Workshop
This one-day workshop is for men who are leading men’s groups of any kind. the workshop focuses on how to establish safety, making good use of rituals, strategies for growth and promotion, common problems that may occur, and how to focus on mission and purpose.
For more information and to register click here
If you think any one of these workshops or retreats might be right for you start by contacting Randy Cook with Brothers of Odysseus.
Send a message or request and appointment
Fees and Insurance
It is a core value at Brothers Counseling that access to care should not be limited by a person’s insurance or ability to pay. Direct insurance payment is not accepted, but you can still benefit from your insurance coverage by seeking reimbursement directly. I can assist you in seeking direct reimbursement from your insurance carrier. The rationale for not taking insurance is simple. While I am happy to discount therapy fees for persons in need, insurance contracts require me to discount fees for the insurance company’s benefit, not the client’s. I prefer to see clients get that benefit.
Individual therapy services are offered for $150 per hour. A discounted fee schedule is available for those in financial need. Group therapy services are offered at a flat monthly fee of $80.