I am honored that you would consider trusting me with a referral. Know that trust is safe in my hands. I am always open to collaboration and feedback. I have included some additional thoughts below that may be helpful as you consider making a referral. I would appreciate some sort of outreach if you refer, within the bounds of confidentiality.



Brothers Counseling is designed around the unique ways that males THINK, FEEL, and CHANGE. In practical terms this means I am open to seeing anyone who identifies as male. I am an outspoken ally for queer folk. I can also connect with men trapped in misogynistic thinking. It is trite to say, but “I will meet a man where he is.” I start from a place of believing males are also victims of toxic masculinity and our society needs men to heal from this toxicity. The goal in all my work is helping men restore their honorable masculine self.

From an age perspective: I am focusing on adult men. I am competent to treat men at all phases of life, from launching into adulthood through establishing marriage, parenthood, and career, through end of life challenges. Under special circumstances I would see a male as young as age 10 (The end of latency is the key criteria here). To see a young man my clinical focus would be about working to forestall the impact of core Father or Mother wounds (Imagine the loss of a parent), identity development, failure to thrive, etc., viewing behavior problems as symptoms not causes.

Although I am a newly minted counselor, I am not new to men’s work. Neither am I a young man. My style is more directive than most. If a man is stuck in his story I will redirect. My years of working with men through countless circles, teaches me how to see the pain points and to help men find their way to bring that pain forward.

My theoretical model is multi-layered. I think of psyche processes in the language of Object Relations Theory. Developmentally thinking, I lean heavily on Erik Erikson. Those are not particularly helpful language platforms with clients, though. I prefer the language and methods of Internal Family Systems, but here I am a newby. I know the language of the Mythopoetic Movement and am well read in this space. I prefer to engage men across what I think of as five core dimensions - Spiritual (not religious), Physical, Emotional, Relational, and Mental. When appropriate I will engage the language of four key virtues (archetypes) - Leadership (King), Courage (Warrior), Wisdom (Magician), Compassion (Lover). These virtues are not exclusively male, but they are masculine in nature. I assume all individuals have masculine and feminine aspects. Because these four virtues and archetypes are masculine in nature they are handy points of access for males seeking discovery.


Here is a list of some typical referrals to stimulate your thinking:

  • The male of a client couple you are seeing that needs some specific support

  • A young man having difficulty launching into adulthood

  • A new husband and/or father struggling to feel good enough at those roles.

  • Professionals in their late 30s and 40s who feel meaning and purpose slipping through their fingers

  • Men who want to find their way out of their co-dependency with friends, careers, and intimate relationships - aka The Nice Guy Syndrome

  • Men facing the end of parenthood, marriage, career who are struggling with the loss of “Masculine Purpose”

  • Men suffering with chronic depression and the associated deep loss of meaning and purpose

  • Men impacted by core wounds and negative core beliefs. Typical here are Father Wounds - absent, inadequate, or shame-filled fathers, Mother Wounds - in adequate nurturing that supports a belief in unworthiness.


It is a core value for me that access to care should not be limited by a person’s insurance or their ability to pay. A discounted fee schedule is available for those in need. I do not accept insurance. I am more than happy to offer a superbill and additional assistance in helping a client seek reimbursement from his insurance coverage.

My average rate for individual work is $150 per hour. Fees for group therapy services are offered on a flat monthly basis of $80 per month. Group therapy sessions meet twice per month and this monthly fee covers both meetings and limited telephone support between meetings.

If you have any questions, please ask.


Randy spent a 35-year career leading various healthcare organizations and raising a family.  Randy believes toxic masculinity is as much symptom as cause of personal and societal pain.  Randy has suffered from the effects of toxic masculinity himself, and has sometimes been a perpetrator of it.  Randy has been working and growing in the “men’s work” community since 1996.  In retirement, Randy is focusing his experience, compassion, and wisdom on helping men heal themselves, their families, and their communities.

Randy has spent time training for this new role through a Master’s degree in Theological Studies at Vanderbilt Divinity School and a Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Southern New Hampshire University.  In addition, Randy has and continues to engage in numerous certifications and training workshops, expanding his understanding of the ways men THINK, FEEL, and CHANGE.  The training, experience, and compassion allow Randy to offer counseling for men, individually or in group sessions, lead and organize retreats and workshops for men, and support men’s organizations trying to do good work.

Credentials: Randy Cook, MPH, MTS, MACHMC, Certified NMMNG Coach, Initiated man with Illuman, Initiated Warrior with the Mankind Project, and A Blessed Elder with Men’s Leadership Alliance.

Supervision: The clinical practice is operated under supervision and in affiliation with Weston Crafton Ph.D., LMFT, AAMFT.