A Counseling Group For Men

This counseling group is for men familiar with the concepts of the “Nice Guy Syndrome,” as coined by Dr. Robert Glover.

  • Nice Guys struggle with setting and protecting boundaries

  • Nice Guys are not honest with others or themselves

  • Nice Guys don’t know how to get their needs met

  • Nice Guys believe their needs don’t matter

  • Nice Guys operate on the core belief that they are not worthy of welcome as they are

This therapy group focuses on helping men change these core beliefs and behaviors and helping men develop the skills for embracing a strong, healthy masculine identity.


Five minutes of grounding (Starting promptly at 6:30)

Opening ritual and each man checks in

Discussion of any member’s pressing issue

Exploration of the topic for the session (topics rotate through a sequence and may include experiential exercises)

Summary and discussion of any homework

Closing ritual (Members are encouraged to hang around for 10-15 minutes for social connection)



Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday each month

Meetings are 6:30-8:30 pm,

Meetings in person at 377 Riverside Rd, Ste 302, Franklin, TN

The group is limited to 8 men

The cost is $80 per month


  • Develop a network of supportive brothers

  • Learn how a member’s Nice Guy wound impacts his life and relationships

  • Integrate strategies that help a Nice Guy establish healthy boundaries at home, at work, and in society

  • Replace negative core beliefs with confidence in his own worthiness

  • Practice techniques for confidently getting needs met

  • Learn to live a more authentic life, both inwardly and outwardly